Nisqually Market Camas Plaza, The Nisqually Indian Tribe
Nisqually Market Camas Plaza, The Nisqually Indian Tribe
Location: Olympia, WA
Date: 2023
Project Keywords: Tribal Projects, Tribal Architecture, Convenience Store
Project Description:
KMB recently completed the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s new Camas Plaza Convenience Store. This modern facility was designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, and the total construction cost encompassed a range of intricate elements. One of the standout features is the heavy timber fueling canopy, designed with a sloped roof that not only enhances the architectural appeal but also shelters the fuel tanks underneath, ensuring easy access for customers. The convenience store boasts a double drive-through window, which includes two well-defined lanes that curve around the building’s rear to facilitate efficient tobacco sales, catering to the needs of its customers. The entrance of the store showcases a heavy timber design complemented by peeler poles. Additionally, the exterior is adorned with river rock and lap siding, giving the building a warm and inviting appearance. Topping off this striking structure is a signature red standing seam metal roof, which not only serves as a visually appealing element but also provides durability and weather resistance.