Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Expansion, Washington State DOC


Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Expansion, Washington State DOC


Location: Connell, WA

Date: 2011

Square Feet:  578,400 SF

Project Keywords: LEED® Gold rating, Design-Build, Facility Expansion, Security Design Services

Project Description:
KMB services for this project included security consulting, educational programming, supply and distribution considerations and design development criteria for detention hardware, equipment and the integrated electronic security for the new 578,400 SF campus. Washington State Department of Corrections elected to use the Design-Build delivery method to accelerate the project schedule and hasten occupancy of this important project. Completed under budget in just 42 months, it was the largest prison construction project in the US at the time. Designed with sustainability in mind, the completed project received LEED Gold Certification from the USGBC – the first prison campus in the country to receive any type of LEED certification.

The expansion project involved construction of over 20 buildings, adding 2,048 new medium security beds and 100 intensive management and segregation beds with associated support facilities, utilities and related site development. The new campus established a secure perimeter of 60 acres within the facility’s 160-acre site. WA DOC and ACA confinement standards applied.

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